How To Add Branding To Your Form

Check out our video guide to setting up your form with branding in your dashboard.

Steps to add Branding To Your Form :

1) From your dashboard, visit the Forms tab and choose “Edit Form” from the left side menu. Under the “Customize Your Form” section:

2) Upload your Logo: Add a .png or .jpg image of your logo, 100px x 100px images minimum with at least 72ppi resolution. If your logo is transparent, it will be displayed on a white background.

3) Upload a Banner Image: This image will displayed across the top of your request form and feedback form, as well as on custom retailer reports (for Growth tier customers and above). The image should be 1200px x 300px with at least 72ppi resolution.

4) Show Select All Button: Do you want your shoppers to be able to request all of your SKUs with a single click? If yes, check this box. On your request form, a shopper will not have to select each individual product listed on your request form to request them all.

5) Save your changes by clicking “Save” directly below the Banner Image upload. If you change your banner and logo, but still see the old version when viewing your request form, your browser may have cached the images. Clear your browser cache and refresh the page to reveal the updated image and logo.

6) For additional customizations including updating the form's title, subtitle, and colors, use the Advanced Customization section below the Logo and Banner upload. To preserve changes to your form, click the Save button.

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