How To Create Alerts

Have a goal to get your products stocked in a certain retail banner or region? Check out our video guide to create an alert.

Set up an alert so you can receive a notification when your requests are trending where you’re aiming to grow! You can also set alerts for a request threshold as a reminder to login to your dashboard.

Steps :

1) From your dashboard, select the “Notifications” tab at the top of the page.
2) Select “Manage Alerts” on the left side menu.
3) To create a new alert, click the “Add” button under “Manage Request Alert”
4) Now, you will create the critera for a single alert. Once all criteria has been met, you will receive a notification. Fill out the “Add A New Request Alert” form:

5) Click “Add Alert” to save the alert.

Common Terms :

1. Number of Shoppers :

The number of shoppers at which you wish to receive a notification.

Check out our Request Targets for suggested request numbers based on the type of retailer you’re targeting.

Request Targets

Type of Store # Of Requests
Big Box National Retailers 40+
Medium Size Chains 25+
Small Chain Retailers 15+
Independents & Natural Grocers 5+
  1. Banner :

Optional - The store you’d like to receive notifications for.

  1. Region:

Optional - Cannot be selected if “State/Province” is selected; The region (geographic group of states or provinces) you’d like to receive notifications for. The regions are defined as those reflected on the US Census Map.

  1. State/Province :

Optional - Cannot be selected if “Region” is selected; The state you’d like to receive notifications for.

  1. Send Email:

Check this box to receive an email when the critera for your alert is met in addition to a dashboard notification.

Recurring: Check this box to receive a notification and email each time the criteria for the alert is met.

Not sure where to start? Try out some of these combinations to keep you informed.

1) To receive a notification every time you have 10 new requests :
Number Of Shoppers: 10
Leave the rest of the dropdown menus blank
2) To receive a notification when you’ve hit 40 requests at Whole Foods in New England:
Number Of Shoppers: 40
Banner: Whole Foods Market
Region: New England

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