Upload Your Audience Via .csv

From your WeStock dashboard:

1) Navigate to the Audience tab
2) Click Manage Contacts on the left side menu
3) Click Import Contacts

4) Drag your prepared .csv file onto the Upload Contact List section, or click on it to select a file.

Formatting your file:

The data's first row should contain the following header values:

    • Email, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email Consent, SMS Consent, Timestamp
      • Example data: mary@example.com,Mary,Example,+15555555555,1,2022-09-08T08:02:17-00:00
    • Other allowable columns include: Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip
      • In order to be visualized on your demand maps, the contact must include a Zip code at minimum.

A sample CSV template can be downloaded from the dashboard under File Format

5) Click “Upload File” to import your contacts

6) View the Status of your import under Audience > Past Imports

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