How To Upload Your Store List

Note : This feature is available for subscribers on our Scale Tier.

With our Demand Map tool, you can visualize where your current stockists are in relation to your customers by importing your Store List.

By visualizing your store list, you'll be able to:

  • Segment your audience based on distance from your stores
  • Visualize and analyze audience demands in relation to your stores
  • Identify new potential opportunities

Steps to Import your Store List:

  1. Gather the location information for your current stockists in a .csv file. If you don't already have a file that is used internally, please feel welcome to use our Store List Template.
  2. From your WeStock Dashboard, navigate to the Stores tab.
  3. Select "Import Stores" from the left side menu

  1. Drag your prepared .csv file onto the Upload Contact List section, or click on it to select a file.

Formatting your file:

  • At minimum, your file must contain a Store Name and its Address, including the Zip Code.

A sample CSV template can be downloaded from the Import Stores page under the "How?" section.

5. Click “Upload File” to import your contacts.

6. Select the column that corresponds to each part of the store address and store details.

  • Banner Info: Toggle "Yes" if the file contains addresses for more than 1 retailer banner.
    • If "Yes", select the Banner Name from the dropdown menu.
  • Store Name: Select the column name from your file that contains each store location's name.
  • Store Number/Id: The unique ID assigned to a store location by a store (not required).
  • Banner: The name of the Banner that operates the retailer (not required).
  • Internal Store Id: An ID number assigned by your team for internal use (not required).
  • Street Address: The building number, street name, and unit number of the store.
  • City: The city the store location is located in.
  • State: The state the store location is located in. Only addresses located in the United States will be visualized on your Demand Map.
  • Zip/Postal Code: The Zip code for the store location.
  • Country: Defaults to the US.

7. Verify that the addresses are processed as expected.

  • If the information seems out of order, select "No, I Need To Change Columns" and update the column names to the corresponding field.
  • If the information is correct, select "Yes, Looks Good".

8. Your Store List will begin to import. Please note this can take some time depending on how large your list is. If the import stalls, separate your file into multiple files with fewer rows and repeat the import process until your entire store list is uploaded.

9. Once the import is complete, it will be listed on the Past Imports page.

10. View your complete list of stores under Stores > Overview.

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