How To Capture Product Requests - Social Media

Check out our video guide to sharing your request form link with the video below.

The key to capturing product requests is to share your request form in as many places as possible.

Giving your customers (and potential customers) the opportunity to engage with the form on multiple platforms and at various stages of their journey increases the likelihood they will make a request.

Grab Your Request Form Link:

Social Platforms

  • We recommend posting your request form link on your social channels every 4-6 weeks, or when you have an influx of new followers.


In-Feed post driving to link in bio

(Brand - Clean Age)

Story or Highlight

(Brand - Against The Grain)



(Brand - Dan-O's)



(Brand - Veggies Made Great)


Brand Page

(Brand - Cosmic Bliss)


(Brand - Gay Water)

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