Drive Sales

Activate customers with an SMS promo

[Link "Use SMS Promo Campaigns to Build and Activate Your Audience"]

Notify customers that your brand is currently available near them

Send us a list of your current accounts (including the store’s address and zip code) to your customer success manager, and we’ll notify customers that your products are available nearby to increase velocity where you’re currently stocked. Please note this service is available for brands on tiers Growth and above.

*We'll also upload this store list to your Demand Map

Notify customers when you launch at a new retailer

When you open a new account, send your customer success manager a list of the store addresses, and we’ll send a notification out to customers that made a request at that retailer, or if they’re located near that retailer. This will ensure you have a successful launch at your new account and continue to get reorders from the retailer. Please note this service is available for brands on tiers Growth and above.

*We'll also upload this store list to your Demand Map to keep your data up to date.

Notify customers when you’re on promotion

Share your promotional calendar with us, and we’ll notify customers when you’re on promotion at a nearby retailer to encourage them to shop during the promo. Please note this service is available for brands on tiers Growth and above.

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